all postcodes in NG1 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG1 6AA 5 3 52.950708 -1.153157
NG1 6AB 1 1 52.950178 -1.152006
NG1 6AD 1 1 52.94932 -1.152648
NG1 6AE 3 2 52.94918 -1.150386
NG1 6AF 8 2 52.950579 -1.152338
NG1 6AJ 8 5 52.951426 -1.151788
NG1 6AT 3 2 52.948811 -1.15181
NG1 6AX 1 1 52.954712 -1.152094
NG1 6AZ 1 1 52.954692 -1.152097
NG1 6BA 5 1 52.951096 -1.152983
NG1 6BB 15 2 52.951237 -1.152578
NG1 6BJ 11 9 52.950919 -1.152168
NG1 6BN 1 1 52.952287 -1.153959
NG1 6BS 4 3 52.952635 -1.151035
NG1 6BT 6 6 52.952592 -1.151064
NG1 6BX 1 1 52.952572 -1.151066
NG1 6DA 4 4 52.952207 -1.15158
NG1 6DD 3 3 52.951761 -1.152079
NG1 6DH 5 3 52.951354 -1.152966
NG1 6DQ 38 38 52.952374 -1.15202